I'm back. I hope you've missed me. I've missed blogging. Too much going on but I think things are back to normal. My parents went back home (I miss them terribly), I still haven't done our taxes and our house is still on the market.
You know, before Leah was born, I was the loniest girl in the world. Lynn was always hanging out with his friends going here and there and I spent most weekends alone. My friends were knee deep in child rearing with little time to just hang out. I saw lots of movies, read lots of books and worked many hours. Oh how things have changed.
Today started out as a great day. Puttered around the house all morning, de-cluttered, cleaned and did laundry. I was in my pajamas until 11:00!!!
Leah was invited to a birthday party this afternoon. I have been looking forward to it for 2 weeks. It was my chance to have nearly 3 hours to myself at home. I was so anxious in fact that I RSVP'd twice. The party was at 2:00. At 1:00 a realtor called to say she was bringing by a client to look at our house -- between 2:00 and 3:30. My disappointment manifested itself by yelling at my husband. Don't get me wrong, I want to sell our house but I NEVER get to be alone.
I rearranged my day. Went to Trader Joes (and for once remembered my shopping bag.) Then went to Safeway to buy the bulk of things. Finished at 3:00 so I went to Starbucks, ordered a refreshing iced tea and sat on the patio pretending to be a carefree middle-aged woman with nothing but time on her hands. Headed home which left 40 minutes of "ME" time. The best laid plans. After I put away groceries I had 20 minutes to peruse my new Oprah magazine.
My family is in bed and I have some time to myself but it's 10:30 and I really don't have anything solitary to do. It's too late to start a movie and I'm not working on a book right now. I did finish a project but I can't talk about it because it's a gift and the recipient might be tuning in --- more on that in early May.
As you may have guessed -- I haven't been lonely in 7 years.