Happy Birthday to Linda, my beautiful friend in Eugene, Oregon.
I can't find a recent picture of her but Linda has thick brown hair and a perfect face that seems to get better with age -- I should hate her for that reason alone but I don't. (I won't even mention her perfectly proportioned figure that is curvy in just the right places.)
Linda and I have been friends since our junior year of high school (gulp, nearly 40 years ago.) I don't know if Linda knows it or not but I find her very wise. I have learned so much from her over the years especially about being a mom. Linda and I are both adoptive parents (Linda has 3 kids and her youngest son is from the Ukraine.) I remember one very bad day when my Leah said she wanted her "real" mom. I was upset and when I told Linda this story she said "oh, even the kids I gave birth to have told me they want a different mom." I loved how she put it all in perspective for me. I replay that conversation many times in my head and it always reassures me.
What I admire most about Linda is her steady and thoughtful demeanor. Her mom died about 9 years ago after a battle with Alzheimer's and Linda was a strong and loyal daughter throughout. She treated her mom with love and respect and her actions have inspired me to be a better daughter.
So happy birthday my dear friend. I look forward to our next visit.
P.S. Even though my birthday card is a little late, I promise this is not a repeat of your 17th birthday. The birthday that no one remembered -- not even your own mother. (Linda played the part of Molly Ringwald in Sixteen Candles only it was real-life.)