Do you ever have one of those trips where you end up spending money on things you already have at home but you neglected to bring them? Last weekend on the way to Seattle, I bought another (black, zipper) totebag. I bet I have a dozen similar totes but I couldn't get my carry-on worked out. I had an extra KINDLE with me (don't ask) and it was too heavy and unbalanced so I bought yet another totebag. $19.99. Why oh why don't I just tuck an extra one in my suitcase everytime I travel?
Then I bought a Better Homes and Gardens magazine that I already have. Duh. $3.99.
Then I was freezing at SeaTac so I bought yet another one of those cheap airport pashminas. $14.95. Now I have one in turquoise to complement my lavendar and brown wraps -- why is it they are always sold out of black? It was 100 degrees at 8:00 p.m. when I got home so on the jetway I stuffed my new "cashmere" pashmina into my new totebag next to my Better Homes and Gardens.