You know I hate to be one of those people who complains about everything but there are some things about living in Arizona that are intolerable.
Scorpions. Is there another state where you have to worry about poisonous bugs entering your house? They can be fatal to the very young and the very old. And yes, there are times when that demographic inhabits my house.
Tonight I went to the garage to get some bottled water. Luckily I turned on the light and looked down before I put my bare foot on the concrete. The little light brown bugger froze just as I did. Lynn was still up, so armed with my blue sequined flip flop, he slowly tip-toed into the garage. Just as we opened the door, the scorpion scurried under my tire. We tried to flush him out with our bottled Arrowhead but he didn't budge. So I made Leah move into our bed (she sometimes wanders in during the night) because I don't want her stepping on him. It's not worth it. Putting up with a family bed is more tolerable than the threat of a scorpion sting.
We made the mistake of having our palm tree skinned this weekend and that brings out the bugs. Oftentimes they make their homes in the bark of the palm so when you have it trimmed, it displaces them. This particular kind is aptly called the Bark Scorpion.
Now I keep feeling him crawl up my leg. I hate being so afraid of a little bug.
Perhaps our next house will be scorpion-free.
Oh does that bring back memories! Remember how many I lived with at my last residence?? I'm so glad to be scorpion free now! I have found 2 dead ones on our property, but both of those were after we have hauled home some building materials, or some chairs we scavenged from the dump. (Don't tell!) No dust ruffles on Leah's bed!
You could give an army of science fiction artists a year and they could not come up with anything more disturbing or menacing than a scorpion. Eww.
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