We hosted the New Year's Eve dinner this year. It started in 1999 and has been going strong ever since (with a short hiatus last year.)
I don't know about you but when we have an event at our house, I'm too anxious to take pictures so I only have a few and they are from the day after (sans guests).
I'm very proud of my tablescape. I wish I had the full table but we undid it before I had a chance to snap anything. In keeping with current trends, my decorations were sustainable, retro and very inexpensive.
This is the entry. It was much prettier at night with the candles in the bowl (Manhattanware). The palm branch is from our tree in the backyard.
Here's a photo (reneacted) of the table. I used the dishes that Lynn's aunt gave us. The pattern is "Anytime" by Vernon. They are circa 1950.
Lemons from our tree in our new, fabulous backyard. Hate to admit that I bought the limes from Safeway, but I thought we might use them in our beverages (sustainability!!!)
The chargers were a Christmas gift many years ago from my friend Jill. They so fit the sustainable/green theme, don't you think? They are wicker (from IKEA.)
Last picture is my foot. I greeted 2009 limping about hunched over like a bell ringer in Notre Dame. I swear I did not over-indulge and I did not trip, fall or twirl in excess. One of my friends suggested gout. GOUT!!!???? I am 52, not 82.
Happy New Year to you.
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