Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Parent Pick-Up

Leah is beside herself with happiness today. I did not buy her a new DS game, nor did I get her a new WebKinz. Guess again.

It's true what they say. The best thing you can give your child is your time. I have the week off to take care of some things that have been neglected since we moved (cleaning, organizing, etc.) Since I have no schedule, I asked Leah if she'd like me to pick her up from school today. She screamed "yes" before I could finish asking the question. She started giving me instructions on the "parent pick-up". How I wait in the car and she comes to me. Which parking lot I go to and that I am not allowed to get out of my car. I must wait. Oh and I must send a note to her teacher so she knows to escort her.

Her little face was full of excitement and happiness this morning when she reminded me.

I'm a little excited too. She's a 2nd grader and this is a first for us.

It bothers me that I have to work full-time which means she has to go to after school care instead of coming right home. I don't think she's suffered for it but I would like to have a more relaxed evening with her. It isn't possible to relax when we're always hurrying during our few hours at home together every night.

But today will be different.

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