It's finally happened. Leah has a life of her own. For the longest time I couldn't wait for time to myself and now that I have it, it's too soon. She just spent an entire day on a play date, then she went to Vacation Bible School (which lasts all week) and now she's in gymnastics camp.
We finally have a pool and this has been the mildest summer in decades. The water is just a bit too cool. In the past when we were pool-less, we were melting by Memorial Day. Not this year! Now that we have our own pool the blasting sun won't show its face.
Up is a good movie. It's not just for kids. In fact some of the subject matter is very mature.
The New Jersey Housewives are scary.
I think Kate from Jon & Kate Plus Eight is getting a bad rap. I like her. So what if she's uber organized and militant about it. I can't imagine how stressful life would be with 8 kids if you were laid back and passive. It would be bedlam. Jon needs to realize that without the show and the attention surrounding them, they would be living in a 1500 square foot condo, eating cereal for dinner. How else could you support 8 kids without an above average income??? He's a big baby.
I kind of like the challenge of living off one income. I wish Lynn was working but I like watching our pennies. Oh, it would be nice to do a little mindless shopping but so far we're doing just fine. I think this will be good for all of us. We rarely go out for lunch or dinner now but when we do, it's a treat.
We've been in our new house since December and we still have about 30 unpacked boxes in the garage. I am tempted to just take all of them to Goodwill. Naaaaaahhhhhh.
We saw "Up" this past weekend while at Michael's graduation in SLO. It was our kid's first, and probably only, drive-in experience. My mother traced the outline of my Dad's face, just before she died, just like Ellie did. I agree, there is a lot of mature subject matter. Very cute though!
Our trip to Southern Cal was very cold. I think they may have this global warming thing wrong! Maybe we should hold off on this "cap and trade" thing, since no one will be able to afford the extra tax, and all the manufactures will be moving overseas!
I liked this post! Although I haven't seen UP, so therefore can't comment on that - everything else is eriely identical to what we've been experiencing! San Fran lost it's charm for me years ago - the filth and the disproportionate number of homeless took the shine off the "city by the bay" for me. I haven't been back in over a decade. We, too, are amazed by the weather here. Our little blow up pool is freezing - and it has already gathered more than enough palm tree blossoms to last the whole summer. Speeking of palm tree blossoms, that wouldn't be a problem if we could afford to have them trimmed. Our significantly reduced income has us on a DAILY spending budget. Being a little bit of a control freak, I kinda LIKE that. We sure are editing out the unnecessary, eating at home, going camping for our vacation, etc.
As for the boxes in the garage....I say.....toss 'em!!!
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