Two disturbing news stories in today's Arizona Republic.
#1. A page designer with the Republic is trying the "No Impact Experiment" for a week. He and his (crazy or very patient) wife are attempting to have no impact on the environment. No carbon footprint. In fact, they did not use the a/c this summer. It's all very commendable. This morning he wrote about biking to work or taking public transportation and they only bought locally grown food. They limited their use of electricity and they recycled. Boy did they recycle. They didn't use toilet paper. They used rags and then washed them. I am gagging as I write this. Lost all credibility with me after that. No thank you. He's giving green a bad name.
#2. Sales of Lazyboy recliners are booming. It's come to this?
Did he say whether or not they followed this important conservation rule: "If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down." ?
I don't know if they did but I would venture to say yes. Honestly, I think bypassing toilet paper is taking it a little too far.
Gag. Seriously WTF, so gross.
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