Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Whatever Happened to "See Spot Run"

My car is an extension of my purse. There is stuff everywhere. Magazines, gym clothes, empty water bottles, various cds, stuff for Goodwill, Barbies, books and fast food wrappers. Messy yet harmless.

It's common for Leah to read whatever she finds in the backseat. One time there was a People magazine. I was proud of her for reading a magazine that's published at a 7th grade level -- she can figure out most of the words. Pretty good for a 2nd grader. All was fine until she asked me about the pregnant man. I think I screamed. "Hand it to me, I don't think you should read that." "But why is a man preg-a-nant?" she asked. Usually I am pretty non-judgmental but this time I said "He's a freak, Leah, it's not right." Dang. How am I supposed to explain this when I don't get it? After that, I monitored where I threw my People magazines.

I love vintage aprons. My friend Didi gave me this one a few weeks ago. This also ended up in the back seat. I forgot it was there until last Friday on the way to school when I heard a little voice say, "one jigger gin (pronounced with a hard g), one egg, one teesp powed sugar, mix, strain, pour over ice fill with selt-a-zer." Huh? She continued "Bronx Cocktail, one third dry gin (again pronounced with a hard g)." When it dawned on me she was reading the apron, which could only enhance her reading skills, I corrected her "It's gin, honey." She continued "1/3 ver-MOUTH." "Vermooth," I said. "1/3 orange juice, ice, shake, strain."

My vintage apron includes recipes for various cocktails from the 1950's. Leah read all of them. Apple Blossom, Planters Punch and "mommy, oooo, Martini."

At some point, this knowledge might come in handy. Or it may result in her teacher calling Child Protective Services.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to see that you are not neglecting Leah's reading or vocabulary skills. Bartending as a craft form is something worth learning as well. Keep up the good work.