1. Never again will I buy clothes while on vacation. You know how it is. You're having this great time and you want it to last forever so you buy something to help savor the memory. It's always a bad choice. Always.
2. Get at least 7 hours of sleep every night. This will be the most difficult. I get up at 6:00 so I need to be in bed by 11:00 every night. My evening is just getting started at 10:00.
3. Take my vitamins and supplements every day. I feel so much better when I take them on a regular basis. I must stay on track with these.
4. Be a better friend, mom, wife, sister-in-law, sister, daughter. Seems like I'm impatient with those I love the most. I never have time for the important people in my life. This year, I'll cheerfully make time. Yes, I will.
5. Overcome my addiction to mindless tv shows. I'm devoted to the Real Housewives of Orange County, Millionaire Matchmaker, Tori and Dean, etc. Are any of these people worthy of my devotion?
6. No eating when I'm upset, emotional, bored, tired, thirsty, sad, mad, grumpy or stressed. Reserve eating for only those times when I'm hungry. Duh.
7. Conquer the clutter. Magazines are meant to be read and then recycled. How many black t-shirts do I need? How many different colors and styles of flip flops do I need? And why do we need a dozen different kitchen towels and five different shampoos? Do I really need this many muffin cups? 
Number 8
I just remembered a resolution that I have every year and I never keep. This year I am determined. I am going to go to the opera. I've never been. I think it would be exciting, interesting and inspiring.
Aida is Jan. 31 and Feb.1 at the Orpheum. The space is so small that it will just be the voices without amplification. So here's your chance to mark off a resolution.
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