I think Kate from Jon & Kate Plus Eight is getting a bad rap. I like her. So what if she's uber organized and militant about it. I can't imagine how stressful life would be with 8 kids if you were laid back and passive. It would be bedlam. Jon needs to realize that without the show and the attention surrounding them, they would be living in a 1500 square foot condo, eating cereal for dinner. How else could you support 8 kids without an above average income??? He's a big baby.
I kind of like the challenge of living off one income. I wish Lynn was working but I like watching our pennies. Oh, it would be nice to do a little mindless shopping but so far we're doing just fine. I think this will be good for all of us. We rarely go out for lunch or dinner now but when we do, it's a treat.
We've been in our new house since December and we still have about 30 unpacked boxes in the garage. I am tempted to just take all of them to Goodwill. Naaaaaahhhhhh.
This is the scene on our couch tonight at 7:00. We stopped by PetSmart just to look. Now we have 2 dogs. Roxie and Daisy. By way of the Fredonia Dog Rescue. Sisters picked up on the reservation. Supposedly lab mixes (personally, I think they have a little coyote in them!)
We changed their names from Carly and Echo. At first we were only going to adopt Carly but they were so sweet together and we didn't want Carly (aka Roxie) to be lonely. Then the guy from the rescue said he'd give us both girls for the price of one. Buy one get one free.
So after a home visit... yes, two of the volunteers followed us home and checked out our house. We had to put up the pool fench and reinforce the gate. We have to promise to let them sleep inside in a crate. And when 100 degree temperatures roll around we have to have our doggie door installed so they can come in and cool off. The volunteers did not just come in and leave --- they were here for about 30 minutes checking the fence and asking questions. I wanted to say "hey, we adopted a child, I think we're a safe bet."
Tonight they are great. We'll see about tomorrow when the patio furniture is chewed beyond recognition and the neighbors are threatening to call the police because of the barking. But how can you not love these girls ... all three of them.